Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Fun in the Sun

Well, with the exception of these last few days, the past couple weeks have been beautiful!! It's been great to be able to bring Gavin outside and not have to wrap him up in 5 layers. We went to Kylie's birthday party and even went to the park a few times!
But first, I wanted to share this picture of the grandkids in the Pimentel family. This picture has come a LONG way from the first one they took together!!For Kylie's birthday I made her cupcakes...everyone knows I'm NOT creative, so this is as good as it gets!

Happy 4th Birthday Kylie Bear!
This picture came out perfect! It actually looks like he's blowing it haha
His 1st time to swing! He loved it :)
Gavin and Ashtyn

For Kylie's birthday party she wanted a St. Patricks Day theme since it was only a few days before St. Pattys Day.
Gavin got all dressed up in his green wear!

The party was outside, so he was in a great mood all day!

We also went to the park with Bren, Jace, and Ava.
Here is Bren...I think this may have been her 1st time to swing too :)
Gavin loved the swing so much he fell asleep

We've had a great month and Gavin is just growing and growing and growing!!

Now on a different note, Jeremy is doing good in Afghanistan! We usually email about once or twice a day and he gets to call like once every 2 weeks. He actually called this past Sunday and it was SO GOOD to talk to him and hear his voice!! He even talked to Gavin :) We cant wait for Jeremy to be back home so that we can start our new lives together and he and Gavin can get to know each other. We're still not sure when he will be back, but hopefully we will find out within the next few months. I will keep everyone updated once I know anything!!

1 comment:

  1. How Cute is my little nephew! I love him! and I love the new pics!!
