Sunday, July 11, 2010

Gavin Brooks!

I forgot to put some pictures up of Gavin in my last post! Here are a few from our trip to NC!

We tried to keep him occupied with his toys in the car...he loves that shovel! Very tired boy! He just did not want to sleep in the car for some reason.
Finally home!! You can see how happy he is to be out of that carseat :)

Back in North Carolina

I keep telling myself that I am going to update our blog with pictures of the last few months, but honestly I dont think I will have time. We have made the long trek to North Carolina (a 21 hour drive!) and have unpacked everything in our new house. Sylvia, Gavin, and I are here now and in a few days the rest of the group will come up! Jeremy is due back this week and I couldnt be more excited!!!! The last few weeks have been very hectic trying to get everything ready to move and then getting here and unpacking and getting things ready for Jer to be back. We are all so excited for him to be back...especially Gavin and I :)

I was worried at first because I had not been able to come up to North Carolina and see the house we're renting (I only saw a few pictures). Once we got here and saw the house my worries went away! Its a 3-bedroom house with a big yard. I cant wait to watch Gavin grow up and be able to play with his daddy outside!

My dreams are finally coming true and our family is being put back together again! I am so anxious to see how Gavin and his daddy interact. Its going to be an amazing reunion! Only 4 days until Jer's arrival and that still seems so far away! Im trying to keep myself busy that way these next few days go by super fast!

I will try to keep everyone updated once Jeremy is back and once I get the time I will definitely put up pictures of his homecoming!

Have a great summer :)