Thursday, August 11, 2011

My Life

Over the past few weeks, I have realized how much older and independent Gavin is getting. He is trying to repeat a lot more words and he is letting us see his personality even more. If he wants something he will bother you until you get it for him and he loves to watch movies. He is totally OVER his "little kid" toys and pretty much only plays with cars, trucks, or anything that has wheels. He is definitely ALL BOY!!

Every time Jeremy or I get up from the couch Gavin will run as fast as he can to get our "spot", and he thinks it hilarious! He also fakes sleeping when we need to change his diaper, get him dressed, or if we call his name for anything. He will run and lay down on the couch and make a snoring sound...Its so cute but I have no idea where he got it from!

We havent quite started the Potty Training Journey yet; I think he still has a little while before we start that! He loves eating fruit and would eat it for every meal if I let him. Anytime he wants some he runs to the fridge and when I open it he grabs the container of strawberries and grapes. This kid knows what he wants and is not afraid to let you know! We've been lucky enough that Gavin is usually pretty good about taking naps and going to bed. He knows when it is time to go to bed that Mommy & Daddy need hugs & kisses first! I cant get enough of those sweet kisses and loving hugs :)

Overall, Jeremy and I are very blessed to have such a smart, healthy, and sweet baby boy...although he's not a baby anymore! I still cannot believe he will be 2 years old in less than three months!

And now, I will leave you with a picture of our handsome man....

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