Monday, June 28, 2010


Ok, I have been slacking lately! These last 2 months have been busy and I have had lots to do! Jeremy is due back in the middle of July, so I have been doing everything I can to get ready to move back to North Carolina. Finding a house, buying all the things we needed, setting up utilities, packing, and taking care of Gavin are only a FEW of the things I have been dealing with. Ahhh, all I can say is that I will be so happy once it's all over with...not to mention I will have my husband back!!!!!! Gavin and I are so ready for Jeremy to be back and for all 3 of us to start our lives as a family :)
I will try to get our blog updated soon, but I have a lot of packing to do first!
So until then, I leave you with a picture of my sweet, sweet boy...who, by the way, is almost 8 months old!!

1 comment:

  1. Okay he is toooo cute!

    Congrats on Jeremy coming home!!
    All the busyness will be worth it!
