Friday, September 18, 2009

Maternity Pictures

When Jeremy and I went down to Texas in August we got our maternity pictures taken. I was only about 6 months along, but it was our only chance to get them taken with Jeremy being in them so we went ahead and did them a little early. Joyelle has taken pictures for Jeremy's family for a while now, so I knew I wanted her to do our maternity photos. They came out amazing and I couldnt be happier! Now we're waiting for Gavin to be here so that she can take newborn pictures of him :) Thanks again Joyelle!

Our Trip to Texas

Ok, so I've been slacking on updating our blog, so I'll try to be more on top of it! I've been getting back into the tired stage of pregnancy, but only about 2 months to go!! Jeremy and I can't believe it's almost time for us to meet our Gavin. He's getting so big...SO AM I...but that only means it's getting closer to his birthday :)
Here's a little update on what we've been up to the last month or two...
As most of you know we were able to visit home in Texas at the beginning of August. While we were there Jeremy's parents and my grandma threw us 2 baby showers. We figured it would be a little easier to have 2 showers since we had so many family and friends that were able to come. We got so many wonderful gifts from everyone and we're so thankful that everyone was able to make it out! I was really bad about taking pictures the whole time we were down and I relied on everyone else taking pictures, so I only have a few to post.
Jeremy and I with the ADORABLE cake :)

I couldnt wait to eat a was very good!

My mom and I
Mom, Me, Stepmom

Me, Denise, and Ashtyn

Jace was helping us open presents
The Pimentel Cousins

Me with my Great-Grandma Boman :)

Me, Ashtyn, Amanda, and Nana

Mom and Ashtyn

Kylie and Denise

Jeremy and I were very happy when we heard we'd be down for Jace's birthday party!!

Jer and I with Ashtyn

Jeremy and the birthday boy!

Jace in his Cowboys uniform...he looks so cute!

Scotty and Jeremy

Kylie Bear shopping

Ashtyn watching everyone play

We also celebrated Leslie's birthday the day before Jer and I had to go back to North Carolina.

Us at dinner with the family

Me, Jace, Brenley, and Jeremy
We were so thrilled to finally be able to meet Baby Bren while we were down!! She is the sweetest baby and we cant wait for her and Gavin to be able to play together :)

Les, Me, and Lorie